Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Just when you think your life can't get any more complicated. My ex girlfriend The Bugger calls me about 11:45 pm last night. She needs a ride home from the airport. Her dad was scheduled to pick her up but got into car accident leaving her stranded. Since our break up the interaction between us has not been very positive. I do the right thing anyway and head to Laguardia.

I arrive in a timely fashion and explain to her before we pull off that she would no longer refer to me as a selfish, insensitive & uncaring bastard. You should have seen the last email she sent to me it was brutal. She agrees to the selfish part but wouldn't give me the other two.

Conversation is pleasant on the way home. She just bought a house in Dallas & her boyfriend proposed marriage to her over the weekend. Now I know what your thinking. WHERE THE HELL IS HER BOYFRIEND? and why didn't her pick her up ? Well its not because she finds me so irresistable. Her boyfriend is at their new home in Dallas. So I ask her if she's in a better place now and does she still think I was wrong for ending our relationship. Even with her new found happiness she still finds a way to stick it to me. Calls me a coward for leaving her and the only way i'll be able to keep a woman is if learn to listen better. I hear just fine people. We had such a toxic relationship I just got used to tuning her ass out. Now after all of this I manage to keep my cool and look at the bigger picture. The Bugger is his problem now . I smile to myself and continue to drive .

This morning when I wake up. I realized the Bugger still has my name on her vehicle. I think to myself she's engaged now let her fiance be her cosigner. The call is made. " Bugger Ya think you can find a way to get my name off that car" She breaks into tears over the phone babbling about she can't handle this right now and hangs up on me. This chick is cwazy !!!!. She leaves me a voicemail an hour later. She apologizes for her outburst and wants me to call her. My curiosity gets the best of me and I do just that. The Bugger tells me she went to her doctor today. Her heart has grown larger and is not able to function properly she may require a new one. She now has to come to grips with the fact that her life may be shortened with our without the transplant.

Do you see how things can change just like that. Nothing else matters now. The car her animosity towards me. Doesn't matter. I'll be there for her if she wants. Not cause I feel guilty its just the right thing to do. Its clear to me now that our differences have been worked out its just sad it took something this drastic to make that happen.

So anyone you've had a little or big argument with . If its in your heart to forgive then do so. Life is to short to hold on to bullshit. You don't want your last memories of that person to be negative.



Blogger Mr.Venom said...

Please explain to me how one phone call and a serious health issue can make the differences between two people have been worked out. And before you people chew me out read this very carefully. I know some of the history between The Bugger and Mr. Slish, and its not pretty. I do not wish physical harm on anyone that is not my style. If she just found out today that her heart was enlarged, what explains her behavior to Mr. Slish prior? She was absolutely nasty to Slish and he still took the high ground. Now if there is a typo in his blog where he meant to say "our differences have been put aside" then okay, but to say they have been resolved I feel would be a bit premature. Hell even if you say they have been buried, I would say OK. But resolved? I am just going to assume that Mr. Slish used the wrong words in this particular case.

10:33 AM  

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