Friday, September 01, 2006

A Few Kind Words

Sometimes no matter how hard you work it seems like the only reward you get is more work. It seems like people who do the least amount of it get rewarded . What do I mean . Well for example if an employee's job performance is waay below average and they KNOW IT!!! Somehow the corporation/company they work for gives their hard working coworker the projects the slacker hasn't had time to finish. Since most companies encourage team work the phrase " Fuck off " is a no no. So hard workers pick up the slack and the Slackers get to surf the net, chit chat on the phone about bullshit, and collect the same pay!!!!

So yesterday I visit the psyche ward. When I get there I say a few kind words to the deranged, crazy and confused " Damn you still here! " Eeeew You took a shower today! Did you really stab yourself and your MAMA in the ass! " When I'm done. I walk into the nurses station to read a chart. One of the Nurses asks " Mr Slish can I speak with you." I respond " That depends. I owe you money . Nurse " Mr Slish please. This is a serious matter. I respond " So I don't owe you any money? Kewl. How may I help you " Nurse " There is a patient thats been here for at least 3 weeks and NO ONE from your dept has been here to see her. Right away I know its not my patient. Got to be that Slitch(Slacker Bitch) in my office. I ask " Whats the patients name " Nurse responds " Bi Polar " I say " Where is she. Nurse responds "Right outside. Will you please speak to her. She's worried about the enormous hospital bill she will have once she gets discharged. " I respond " As soon as I'm done reading this chart I'll go talk to her."

Few minutes later " Hi Ms Bi Polar i'm Mr Slish from the pt accts dept. I hear you need some assistance " Bi Polar responds " Oooooh Mr Slish i'm sooo worried. I don't have any insurance I don't have no job I told these people I didn't have any when they admitted me" I calmly say " Ms Bi Polar. Calm down. When was the last time you worked on the books" Ms Bi Polar responds " I was working part time in July, but since my mind started playing tricks on me I had to quit" I ask " How much were you earning' Ms Bi Polar responds " About 400 dollars every two weeks" My lips get tight and I take a deep breath. How am I going to tell this manic depressed woman that she hasn't been out of work long enough to be eligible for medicaid. If my slacker co worker had done her job and interviewed this pt 3 weeks ago. We could have persuaded the psyche staff to release her earlier. They assume a pt is medicaid worthy if they're unemployed therefore keeping them in the hospital longer than its necessary in order to generate more revenue. What the pysche dept fails to realize is Medicaid assumes anyone who's been working has also been saving. They believe an individual needs at least two months to deplete all of their resources once they become unemployed if Ms Bi Polar was admitted to our hospital 2 months after she quit her job. I would have been able to help her. I Look at up at Ms Bi Polar before I decide to give her the bad news. Her lips are quivering and the tears start rolling down her cheeks. " Mr Slish can you help me. I can't afford no hospital bill ? " I respond " Ms Bi Polar. Don't cry. I'm going to take care of this for you. Ms Bi Polar say " How ? " I smile and respond " Ms Bi Polar when someone is doing you a favor never ask how or why. Just say thank you " Ms Bi Polar gives me a warm smile and sticks out her hand and says " Thank you Mr Slish "

A few hours later. I'm sitting in my living room. I'm so tired that the television is watching my ass. My cell phone rings. I look at the screen. Its my boy Shaft. I pick up " What up playboy. " Shaft responds "What up Slish. We hanging tonight" I respond " Grantlove didn't call you and give you the 411 ? " Shaft " Yeah but he said call you" I shake my head and laugh " Aiight this is whats poppin. Good and Plenty wants to the go to the China Club. If we can't get in then we'll head down to Negril" Shaft responds " Hold up. What happened to the Titty Bar idea. I was looking forward to that " I say " I knooow me tooooo. You know what Shaft! Let me call Grantlove and have him put the Chocha bug in Plenty's ear." Shaft " Aiight Slish call me back " I hang up and call Grantlove " WHAT YOU WANT NIGGA!!! " I say " Yo is Good and Plenty next to you right now. Grantlove responds " Yeah he right here" I say " He know who you're talking to right now" Grantlove " Nah" I respond " GOOD! Tell that nigga you ain't really feeling that china club shit and say you would rather go to SUE'S Rendevous" Grantlove " WE GOING TO SUES!!! I'll call you back in 5 minutes!!!!

I'll tell the rest of this story later. I'm still in a henny state of mind... lol


Blogger onefromphilly said...

WTF!! How you gonna leave the story hangin like that?
I'm sitting here at work and I ain't got nothing to do..
So could do some work and then get back to the story please? Geezz..
Thank you


10:43 AM  
Blogger Knockout Zed said...

Left hangin' like wet dreds.


11:17 AM  
Blogger A.u.n.t. Jackie said...

ooh the china club, now that brings back some memories!

i don't think i could work with crazy people, i truly believe insanity is contagious, although i have no solid proof!

11:52 AM  
Blogger Mr.Slish said...

@ One From Philly Woman!! My was still coming down from my henny HIGH...Besides the weekend has just begun more shit might happen...

@ Zed...LOL..Dog I told you the story like and hour

@ Miss Ahmad China Club has changed locations since then..When did you live in NYC?

I don't like working with crazy people either, but my boss seems to think I do. So he made them my specialty...Can't wait till my new JOb I can get away from the madness

12:03 PM  
Blogger Phoenix said...

so what happen with the crazy lady. did you release her to the streets? lol your crazy ass needs to be admitted. So you were at Sue's and.....

1:34 PM  
Blogger SandyBaby said...

I have a hard enough time working with people who claim to be in their right mind so I know I can't work with the "mentally challenged".

I can't

2:08 PM  
Blogger Little Brown Girl said...

SON!!! WTF??? You know you're dead wrong for this shyt and I'm sitting at home with no plans for this holiday weekend now I gotta wait until probably the end of Sept. to hear the rest cause you know your azz down to blogging every couple weeks now LOL!!

Ok Ok...I guess I can wait. Have a great weekend!!!

5:51 PM  
Blogger 1969 said...

From the China Club to the Titty Bar? I know this is gonna be a good story already. *gets popcorn*

7:28 PM  
Blogger Mr.Slish said...

@ Phoenix.. I gave her your address and phone number. I Told her you had a Licker License..

@ Sandy..Yes you can. Channel that inner Psycho side of your persona..The trick is to never let an insane person know that you know that they're crazy...Talk to them as if there like everyone else...It can be fun sometimes..The shit that comes out of their mouths is priceless!

@ Royce OOOh Yeeeeeah...Your Pooh Bear has gone away for the weekend!! Okay I'll finish it before Monday...

7:35 PM  
Blogger Mr.Slish said...

@ 1969 Whats the matter with

7:36 PM  
Blogger Phoenix said...

Slish your an ASS! LOL

10:57 PM  
Blogger babybear said...

Darn it Slish you've had enough time by now, finish the damn story!!!!!

12:47 PM  
Blogger TTD said...

lol! aint nothing wrong w/ a henny state of mind!

that's nice that you're going to help ms bipolar...

1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the crazy lady was just probably glad somebody showed her some attention...

y'all call that shit "titty bars"? in big d we call 'em "cat houses".

11:45 AM  

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