Ya'll Gone Make Me Lose My Mind
Life isn't fair. Men get the short end of the stick when it comes to committed relationships. We take a back seat to anything that is important to our female counterparts. Its like there is this double standard we know nothing about.
Now the reason why I haven't lost my God Damn mind. Is because I take comfort in knowing that this shit is Universal. All men across the nation experience the same bullshit I do.
This morning I was walking Barney's dog. Something I do every weekend. I run into this white dude with an accent . Both our dogs are trying to get at each other. I ask " Your dog? " he responds " No. My girlfriends " I laugh and say " Does your girlfriend spoil her?" His eyes light up " My girlfriend and I have big fight over dog because she refuses to discipline" I laugh even harder because Barneys and I argue about the same fucking thing. Her response to me " Its my dog" Not realizing that her bipolar pooch has invaded my space. Not the other way around. I was sucking my sweeties toes waaay before that dog was.
I don't think women recognize how much men sacrifice in relationships. Our boys become a distant memory while their homegirls are the cornerstone of every decision they make. Our bad habits are intolerable. Their bad habits are " You knew this about me when we met! Don't start trippin NOW!" Let us be on our cell phones for an hour while we're spending quality time" When they do it. Its " Baby i'm taking care of business" Yeah Riiiiight. Like i've said before LET A MAN DO THAT!.
Ladies this is the reason why most men cheat. They feel short changed and figure shiiit if I have to put up with this I might as well find some piece(spelled correctly) of mind. But doing that gets old. Why because this shit right HERE ! Is universal. Women treat all men the same and its probably not going to change.
How many of you fellas out there have done some bullshit to push a woman over the edge changing her outlook on relationships forever. Making them hard as nails and unforgiving. Yeeeeah you know its true. Women are the way they are today because of us. Right now every annoying thing my sweetie does. I take it on the chin because I know i've probably done the same exact thing to someone in my past. Its like poetic justice.
So my brothas. When you're biting your bottom lip, fist clenched, ready to toss your Cuddle Muffin through a fucking window. Think about the pain and hurt your lady has been through. Think about that one dude that could have driven her to a self imposed exile. Think about " Damn! That dude used to be me"
Then and only Then will it all start to make sense.
Now the reason why I haven't lost my God Damn mind. Is because I take comfort in knowing that this shit is Universal. All men across the nation experience the same bullshit I do.
This morning I was walking Barney's dog. Something I do every weekend. I run into this white dude with an accent . Both our dogs are trying to get at each other. I ask " Your dog? " he responds " No. My girlfriends " I laugh and say " Does your girlfriend spoil her?" His eyes light up " My girlfriend and I have big fight over dog because she refuses to discipline" I laugh even harder because Barneys and I argue about the same fucking thing. Her response to me " Its my dog" Not realizing that her bipolar pooch has invaded my space. Not the other way around. I was sucking my sweeties toes waaay before that dog was.
I don't think women recognize how much men sacrifice in relationships. Our boys become a distant memory while their homegirls are the cornerstone of every decision they make. Our bad habits are intolerable. Their bad habits are " You knew this about me when we met! Don't start trippin NOW!" Let us be on our cell phones for an hour while we're spending quality time" When they do it. Its " Baby i'm taking care of business" Yeah Riiiiight. Like i've said before LET A MAN DO THAT!.
Ladies this is the reason why most men cheat. They feel short changed and figure shiiit if I have to put up with this I might as well find some piece(spelled correctly) of mind. But doing that gets old. Why because this shit right HERE ! Is universal. Women treat all men the same and its probably not going to change.
How many of you fellas out there have done some bullshit to push a woman over the edge changing her outlook on relationships forever. Making them hard as nails and unforgiving. Yeeeeah you know its true. Women are the way they are today because of us. Right now every annoying thing my sweetie does. I take it on the chin because I know i've probably done the same exact thing to someone in my past. Its like poetic justice.
So my brothas. When you're biting your bottom lip, fist clenched, ready to toss your Cuddle Muffin through a fucking window. Think about the pain and hurt your lady has been through. Think about that one dude that could have driven her to a self imposed exile. Think about " Damn! That dude used to be me"
Then and only Then will it all start to make sense.
LOL too funny...but you knew that when you met her....
I am really tripping because I remember you saying you don't care for dogs but you are up at zero dark thirty walking barneys
oh yeah 1st boooooooooooooyaaaaaaaaaaah
Just recently I had a revelation...I realized (even after being told years ago) that I have treated some of the women I have dated like sh*t...Two women in particular.. I felt so bad about I had to go back and apologize to them in person for the way I treated them. One of the ladies told me a couple of years back that I treated her bad, and ended up making her a raging alcoholic, I denied this to myself for years until recently. I thought since I didnt hit her or cuss her out or get her pregnant and bounce out on her that it was all good...I didnt take into account all of the emotional sh*t I put her through, how many times she wanted to be with me and I put her off to mess with some other broad. I feel for any brother that has to be wih her now because she truly is bitter compared to where she was. I agree with you, we did it to them, and when the time comes for us to be in a committed relationship we just have to suck it up and take all of the flack that comes our way.....yep Poetic Justice.
You tied that up quite nicely ... cause I was ready to go off.
@ Newy I still don't. What people do for love...lol
@ 1 in the same Whoa you see I'm glad your get it because most brothas don't.They just figure" let the next dude deal with that" When in reality they're the next dude.
hahaha..@ Chele I'm crazy not stupid.
Damn Slish....you got it bad.
I usually sit over in the corner quietly biting my thumb but I just HAD to say something about this one!
Oh yes, and I'm talking to the fellas here, be careful what you wish for when it comes to your woman! That thing she does that gets on your last nerve? LET IT GO. Because otherwise you could end up like me.
Here's my story, abridged version: I spent a lot of time and money looking outside my marriage for that which I thought was missing. I looked on the Internet, at other women, and at the bottom of a bottle.
My honey got tired of my bullshit and informed me on May 23, 2006 that she was moving to Florida to live with her mom just to get away from my triflin' behind! And she did just that a month later!
Now I can tell you that straightened me right out. I'm no longer trolling personals sites, and I haven't touched alcohol since that terrible day. (I still do look at an occasional nekkid booty, though. I'm not perfect).
I said all that to say this: Fellas, DO NOT let it take what it took me to do what I should have done a long time ago: Leave my crappy job, give up the toys of childhood for more adult things, and most of all to cherish my wife for the beautiful, loving, and special woman she is.
I'm moving to Florida on December 8. I can't wait.
@1969 I'm on the verge of losing it too.
@ Anon Thats fantastic. Sing along now " Ain't no woman like the one I got"
Thanks for your honesty bruh
I was reading it like, man, he's about to catch all kinda chin shots from females on this one, then I got to the end, and was like, oh, ok. LOL...you walking dogs and you don't like dogs? Yeah, you open sesame. LMAO Like you said, it's universal.
My ex girlfriend has a cocker-poo, half cocker spaniel, half poodle. Little irritating dog.
Oh yeah, fuck her pain. I've had women inflicted pain too. We both better start at ZERO with each other.
@ Synsational No chin shots here. Can't point blame with poimting in the mirror first.
@ Zed...I been there too.lol
Interesting perspective. I can't say I agree with everything because I'm usually the one shortchanged in a relationship (the few that I've had). But, I can say no man is responsible for my behavior. I own my own f*cked up personality traits. :-)
@ Bz...Nothing wrong with that.lol
Slish, Right, right. LOL
Women DO need to realize how much a man changes in a relationship for his woman, and women need to appreciate it too. All changing and shit, fuck that foolishness, why can't you make changes for me as well? 50/50 right? Men need to stop giving into giving up time with their boys while she still chills with her girls, and all the other double standard foolishness.
Yes, I'm venting because I'm walking down that path as we speak and it's getting old quick.
Mr. Music
I am kinda bitter because of the last dude I truly connected with. I had feelings, and he supposedly had feelings, but he bounced quickly. That was the first one changed my perspective, but at least I'm hopeful that will be the last one. I haven't given up on the brothas.
@ Mr Music..Like I said its universal..Honeymoon is over..
@ Sunshyne Don't give most of all don't carry over the bitterness into your next relationship.
Yes think about it Big Bro...THINK ABOUT IT and hush up and just walk "pooch" with a smile.
@ Royce if you only knew.
hehehe@this post.
aiight, so men cheat cuz they short-changed? how about a brotha should be like "hey, i wanna do that shit too."
i'm sure he'll find a sista who's down.
You know Slish, I require all of my men to be sweet to my cats. They are my kids. My philosophy is this: There's a lot of pussy in this house and you have to be nice to ALL of it!
I don't blame Barneys for making you bond with her dog! That's how it goes playboy! :-)
But um, we're worth every inconvenience you guys go through. Single men die way sooner than married men. We lengthen and enhance your lives so be GRATEFUL.
Go ahead and thank us....
we're waiting....
I'm allergic to Dogs & Cats. My wife is a Dog Lover, Pit Bulls to be exact...But I'll be damn if I have to sacrifice my health in order to be in her good graces, never have.
If a man knows of a woman’s bad habits and idiosyncrasies, and doesn’t say anything from Jump Street, don’t start complaining now. This same rule applies to women. Far too often men & women are afraid to speak up at the inception of a newly formed romance. We’re afraid to cause waves that may end up in a Tsunami like break up.
In my estimation, Men are more likely to put up with, or should I say ignore the character traits we don’t like in a woman; primarily because we don’t have as many options or opportunities. Women, even the not so beautiful ones, will have many more options than a man. Even the best looking man will not yeild as many date offers as an average looking woman. It’s much easier for a woman to say "keep it moving" than a man, so in essence, we feel the need to stay in relationships longer than we should, or put up with more than we can mentally handle, and eventually start looking elsewhere while still remaining in those relationships. Men are not good with clean & quick breaks for that very reason.
Sacrifice is a two way street. It’s located right around the corner from Honesty and up the block from Jump Street.
Peace & Blessings
I understand what your saying....but I don't agree with it. But then again...I ain't no dude.
I don't dumb down... not that is what I am saying your suggesting at all... I'm just sayin'...
Hello Mr. Slish Slash!
Preach it Mistress.
I am going to email this around if you don't mind. I'm going to title the email: "African, Get Over It! He Has..."
@ Nikki..What you laughinh at...lol yeah men cheat when short changed..Only the weak minded ones..
@ Mistress Ya know what...One night when your man is over yo crib and he's downtown doing what he does when he's there. All of sudden he's going to feel this wet tingling sensation on his ass. When he turns around to look what it is ITS GOING TO BE ONE OF YOUR CATS LICKING HIS BALLS !!! LOL
@ Mack don't be scared. Just be aware and careful with these ladies. They're starting to adapt and dishing it out the way men are.
@ Grantlove That my brotha Was well put. Took the words right out of my mouth.
@ Blah You're right you're not a dude.. To keep the peace sometimes we have to dumb down. Or pick the right battles. If we don't We end up Po, Broke, and Lonely
@ Mizz JJ ..Lol Yeah Mistress has a point...
@ Dynasty Do what you must to enlighten the masses..Yeah I've gotten over it. No more Bitching coming from me. I just want to be happy...
im just sayin.
i'm more single than the numero uno and i've never been a dude but reading this makes me realize that perhaps men and women's ideas of relationships and sacrafice differ even more greatly than i imagined...
i'll let you know when i start "coupling" again if i think it's true for real for real
I think this is my first time coming by and I'm glad I did because this was a Great post!
Men and women both make certain sacrifices in the name of a relationship. Part of dating before becoming 100% committed is to figure out what the others quirks are (or things that drive you just to the point of "losing your mind") and decide if it's something you can live with long term. I make it a point to do my best to treat my man with the utmost respect and NOT do things that I KNOW would Bit%@ about if they were done to me.
I love the fact that you walk HER dog. Talk about partnership. LOL
Hmmm. It's funny that I would read this. I was just talking to my "play" brother yesterday about this very same thing.
It seems he is dating a woman who does not feel she has to bend at all. That he has to take her shit and deal with it no matter what.
I am sorry, I can't agree with that. I don't want you to expect me to deal with $hit that I just don't like and I won't expect you to do it either. Now I am not talking about little stuff but things that could affect our relationship - don't tell me to just deal with it in the name of love.
Example #1 - if the sex is whack and I am trying to show you what I like and you just refuse to learn because you THINK you already know what you are doing - are you telling me to just deal with the whack sex because I love ya and you don't love me enough to try to please me?
Example #2 - If you talk to me in a manner that I find offensive, but that's just the way you are - are you telling me to just deal with it because I love ya and you don't love me enough to try to talk to me in a more respectful way?
Hell to the NAW! If we BOTH care about each other than we BOTH CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER. Not just about him doing what I want whether he likes it or not.
I know I love when my man does things for me but if I think it truly makes him uncomfortable I may have to rethink it. Is it that important to me that I have to make him uncomfortable just to please me? That sounds selfish to me and I told my brother this very same thing.
@ So Wise. He makes an appearance every now and again..He's around.I just have him under heavy manners.
@ Miss Ahmad Its soo different. Thats why we're always at odds with our female counterparts. Both parties expect the other to react the way they would.When the reality is Men and Women have different ideas of what committed relationship should be. Let me know when you decide To take that plunge..
@ The Goddess Welcome. I love your perspective on this matter. As for my sweetie dog. The little critter Has grown on me.
@ Drea..You make a good and valid point.How much is too much.
Well depends on what that individual is looking for and what they are willing to put up with.
I mean your boy might be equipt for that kind of abuse. Maybe he needs that kind of drama. Who Knows. But at the end of the day is he happy?
Damn Slish! I don't this treatment is universal. Mistress broke it down real right.
@ Paula d This shit is Universal..I had to start a support group..lol
Slish, how long did it take you to gain the perspective you have on relationships? Just curious because...uhrum...you don't find many men that do.
Slish- you are one of a kind!
@ Babybear...To tell the truth I learn something new every year. I keep a mental notebook of my relationship mishaps. So when I encounter a similiar situation. I can refer to the book and make necessary changes. Funny thing is my lady thinks i'm clueless and thats only because i'm still taking notes on her...lol
@ Tjeanise. Not one of a kind but one of many.
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Women sacrifice BEFORE the relationship begins
and men sacrifice DURING the relationship...
He makes her jump through hoops before the relationship and then she holds the hoop afterwards...its all good.
It could be worse...you could be buying feminine products at the Bodega...
"Um er Super? Regular? Those things come in SIZES?!?!? Man I DONT KNOW!"
@ Chezniki..You're too late. Been there done that..lol
wow Slish. I never thought of it that way.
Thanks :-). The boy will appreciate the revelation I just had, lol
First time reading...great post for me to start with.
You summed it up pretty nicely.
And I've been you in the relationship...walking a big ass pitbull while he is talking on the phone for hours, doing shit that irritates the HELL out of me. So thanks for explaining the new me to anyone in my future. :)
HAHAHAHAHAHA. i'm legendary for throwing fits when the bf's on the phone and i'm around.
That's cool Slish.. I just hope she appreciates the sacrifice and not take for granted that you're willing to bless her not only with love but with patience.. Sometimes that sort of patience is not always recognized nor appreciated thus resulting in emotional exhaustion.. But y'all are doing great.. :-) I wish you continued love and success..
Walking that dog is admirable!!
Don't hurt 'em!
Stop the madness. If you're allergic to dogs there is no reason to be gettting up to walk the thing. Just like she said... it's HER dog. Now I'm a animal lover. But when my wife and I were dating, she had a cat that HATED me. Notice I said HAD. One morning I slept in while she went out. Suddenly I felt a light bounce on the bed. Now As I am half asleep I ignore it until I feel someones eyes burning into my flesh. Now it takes a lot to move me from my slumber, so still I don't budge until I hear a voice say " I'm going to kill you!" I open my eyes to see the cat staring at me. 'Evil' (as I affectionately called him) was off to the animal shelter a couple of months later.
Nothing comes between me and my woman. NOTHING!
Put your foot down or into the dogs ass. Which ever is easiest.
The Director (Chi Brown)
Sweetie dog? That is too adorable. It definitely does sound like you like her more than you've let on. Thanks for the welcome; I'll be through on a regular.
Yo Cuz... I thought we talk about this nonsense the other day.. I thought you was good after our convo?? I told you what you needed to do but OHHHHH NOOOO you want to do the opposite, not listen then post this bullshit store to get some sympathy.. Nah nigga, I'm not feel'n this post at all. You are wrong. DEAD WRONG!!!!! Women do what women do.. You know that... Your job is to shut the "F" up and deal wit it...
HELLO MCFLY... People by nature piss other people off.. So what makes you think relationships are any different??? Here's some words of wisdom from my boyz pops on why he got married. He said and I quote "I did not marry my wife because she was cutiest. I married my wife because she understood me. She took the good with the bad and never complained... Now go get some ice cream and chill the fuck out.. 1
I think my man needs to read that one, cuz it was on point from a well rounded perspective...well said, and it's nice to know what's really going on in a man's brain..ya girl is lucky..
Slish you give me hope. I'm glad that there are some men who gain wisdom along the way. I'm 23 and I was just dealing with a guy who was so confused. We started out as just friends...then we found out that we were very attracted to each other...then we struggled with letting each other go out of respect for his relationship. It was so hard.
If anything, I hope he learned something from the awful experience.
I have a question for you. I figured that he was missing something in his current relationship and didn't even realize it... or else we wouldn't have ever gotten so close.
As a man with more life experience...would you agree?
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