Slish University
Which one of you ladies think you know your man/husband and I mean really know him. Now I'm not talking about what he likes to see you in which is probably nothing. I'm talking about do you know the ins and outs of your Man/Husband. Do you know what makes him tick, Do you know what shade of brown or gray he likes, Do you know that he secretly likes romance movies. Maybe deep down he doesn't like when you surprise him maybe he'd rather know whats coming so he can avoid telling a lie to spare your feelings.
I've dated a lot of women and loved even less. None of them ever really knew me. I've spent years hiding behind smiles and stomach pain due to food being fed to me that my body rejected. When I tell them I don't like something their response " How would you know! You've never even tried it" Listen here Woman! I'm grown! I don't have to try SHIT if I don't want to!
Fellas if you're reading. You ever try and get a woman to do something they're just not into. Shiiiit!! You'll be CHEEKLESS for weeks. Why ! Cause you were an inconsiderate bully. I swear women get away with waaay too much. Every committed guy I know has changed who he was for love. His lady's interest become his interest, Her friends his NEW FRIENDS, All his boys have to be screened before he gets a permission slip to hang out.
I'm here to tell ya. Slish ain't that dude. I've had ENOUGH! I have reached my threshold of Compromise. If a woman does not take the time to Study me! She will fail every course needed to graduate from Slish University! The course of study is not rigorous and they're FREE of charge. So why do these broads keep failing! I grade on a sliding scale!
Last night Shawnla realized she was failing a particular course and decided to CHEAT! How she managed that! I'll tell ya! PUSSSSSSSSSSY! She put it on me so bad I passed her for the entire semester and gave her extra credit for the next semester!
Relationships are hard people. I sometimes think I'm not cut out for them, but then I meet someone who makes me want to enroll them into Slish University. Shawnla enrolled with text books in hand. Although she struggles with some of the course work. She has never dropped a class. Hmmm I think she might graduate on time after all.
Pay attention to your man ladies don't take their love for granted.
I've dated a lot of women and loved even less. None of them ever really knew me. I've spent years hiding behind smiles and stomach pain due to food being fed to me that my body rejected. When I tell them I don't like something their response " How would you know! You've never even tried it" Listen here Woman! I'm grown! I don't have to try SHIT if I don't want to!
Fellas if you're reading. You ever try and get a woman to do something they're just not into. Shiiiit!! You'll be CHEEKLESS for weeks. Why ! Cause you were an inconsiderate bully. I swear women get away with waaay too much. Every committed guy I know has changed who he was for love. His lady's interest become his interest, Her friends his NEW FRIENDS, All his boys have to be screened before he gets a permission slip to hang out.
I'm here to tell ya. Slish ain't that dude. I've had ENOUGH! I have reached my threshold of Compromise. If a woman does not take the time to Study me! She will fail every course needed to graduate from Slish University! The course of study is not rigorous and they're FREE of charge. So why do these broads keep failing! I grade on a sliding scale!
Last night Shawnla realized she was failing a particular course and decided to CHEAT! How she managed that! I'll tell ya! PUSSSSSSSSSSY! She put it on me so bad I passed her for the entire semester and gave her extra credit for the next semester!
Relationships are hard people. I sometimes think I'm not cut out for them, but then I meet someone who makes me want to enroll them into Slish University. Shawnla enrolled with text books in hand. Although she struggles with some of the course work. She has never dropped a class. Hmmm I think she might graduate on time after all.
Pay attention to your man ladies don't take their love for granted.
numero uno baby!!
I'm lazy and don't like to study, can I get a man who comes with his own cliff notes, and/or cheat sheet?
is that asking too much? or what if i provide the cliff notes and promise to stay true to myself?
HELL NO!!! Thats why a lot of you ladies out ther Take the time and study a dude. Its worth it in the end.
Cheat Men don't get cheat sheets when it comes to relationships..We either get a PASS or FAIL... No in betweens.
i realized that the important thing is that you keep trying to learn. no matter how much you know someone, you never really know them.
@ Jameil1922 Spoken like a true grown WOMAN...There is always room for improvement in any relationship...:)
i'm single cuz i'm stingy with goodies and don't like putting out the cookies!
but for real, i do think that i pay attention to who men are and study them and that's what usually gives me the inclination to leave 'em...i mean if you know who they are and they aren't for you, you gots to roll out!!
wow! this is a perfect reminder. i've been with my husband for over 20 years and he just mentioned that he hates the fact that i leave the cap off the toothpaste. why in the world did he wait all these years to tell me. he said, he accepted that was who i am but, enough was enough. he said, he's sick of the nastee ass toothpaste residue so i betta stop it. LOL
thanks slish for this post!
i agree there's always room for improvement.
p.s. i searched your blog but, couldn't find it. would you please discuss
spouses gaining weight should the other spouse have issues with it?
you know along these lines. i'm interested to know your thoughts on this one.
@ Ms Ahmad Stingy ass.
That statement is true, But What if you meet Your future. You've already studied the thing you like about him, but have you studied his reaction to some of your faults and tried to improve or make adjustments...Thats what some women are not doing. Feel me..
@ Tanyetta. See that! He held it in to spare your feelings. Men go through that all the time. Ladies start paying attention. Men like women can only take but so much...
@ Sweep Hmm I've never touched on that topic..Sounds like something I could sink my teeth into..I'll see what I can do..Remember anything I write is strictly MY Opinion...:)
love this post...i admire any man who speaks openly and freely about topics such as these. can you take your class nationwide and get the word out?
Who cares what you guys want? LMAO
Seriously, I have been married for 7 years (this year) and I am constantly learning things about my husband. I know I am not the same person I was a year ago, much less when we met, and neither is he.
People evolve and it's an ongoing process to change with them and accept those changes.
Although every now and then, they drive you to cut class and take a mental health day from school....ya feel me?
You funny. Funny thing is some men can be given directions, a roap map and a manual and still igonre them. LOL. SMH.
Alot of us men and women make assumptions about what we see instead of really learning what is really going on.
Does this work both ways? Should a man take the time to really know his woman? I'm not trying to make sweeping generalizations but I think that most women REALLY DO know their man. We just choose to ignore that shit we don't like and try to change the shit we hate. NOW!
Hey, let me give ur girl a bit of advice (and I don't care how much older she is than me) Maybe it's cool to cheat and get high marks and bump up your gpa, BUT in the long run she done F'ed herself because with all that cheating, she didn't learn anything! When she needs to deal with real life problems what is she gonna do? I have yet to find a copy of "Cliff Notes for REAL LIFE SITUATIONS". She may get a passing grade from you, but she's gonna fail in life with Slish and find herself by herself wondering where she messed up.
Remember than $h*t.
Mr. Music
Why do we need to study? What happened to plain old HONESTY? Tell me what's on your mind, what you like and don't like. I will surely do the same. People make things too f*ckin' difficult, I swear! lol
Honesty shouldn't diminish the curiosity, or willingness/effort to learn more about your partner. But damn, we don't have to play hide & seek with our real selves.
I have to agree with BZ. Maintaining the relationship is enough damn work. Now I have to study you, too? What if I study you and still get it wrong? Why not just tell me? You know yourself better than I ever will no matter how long and hard I study. What if you are one of those people who don't even know yourself? How the hell am I supposed to figure you out????
Sometimes I wonder if it is really worth it. It seems to be a big game and I don't feel like playing.
I agree with 1969 here. We are constantly changing (both men and women) so it's in everyone's best interest to pay attention to the change in course work so that you don't end up with an F.
Great post, Slish.
I suppose it is a two way street. I like to think I am a pretty simple girl, but I know the reality is I have got stuff dudes rarely find out about me. That is what keeps the mystery alive.
LOL @ 1frophilly! So true about the ignoring and changing the rest. And, yes, I know my husband of nine years all up and thru. And, yes, he holds the shyt that I do that urks him in, at times, while other times he lets me have it. Passive-aggressive. But, I can honestly say I know what makes him tick. And tock. And vice-versa. It helped that 'we' both signed up for 'AP' course work and passed - before - we got to University. You know, we shacked up and shyt; put the cart before the horse (eldest child is the same age as our marriage). I know I probably was struggling almost near academic probation in the beginning (think "Broken Wing" syndrome), but I applied for lots of sex-olarships and shyt and had that money in the bank for rainy days. The Dick-Work-Study program was also a life saver, you know, just in case I flunked out a semester or 'spunt' all my sex-olarship funds.
Slish University. You are a riot.
@ Blu Jewel I wish I could, but the masses would probably stone
@ 1969 Yuh backside! Yo for real Shawnla had to go see the Dean today asking if she could take this class next year..lmaof
@ Shai True words. Stop assuming and start learning about one another.
@ Onefromphilly..See! You always gotta throw a monkey wrench in the Fo real real Women think they know their man, but they don't. All they really know is what their man will put up with.
@ Mr Music Actually she
is the same age as you, but ya gotta point.
@ Bz We all know women don't like men to be honest aaaallll the time. You want your man to tell you halfway to the restuarant " Babe that dress you're wearing looks like shit". I can't be seen with you" C mon Honesty can get ya stabbed...Study your man Bz both of you will appreciate it in the end.
@ Drea Maybe if you study the man first.The relationship would be easier to maintain.
Stop living in the matrix ladies take the red pill. If what you've been doing for the past 15-20 years isn't working time to switch it up and take some new
@ Ms Lee I can tell you got good grades in school and in life. :)
@ Sure you don't want to write your own post about this..that shit right there was a riot!
Pro that last comment was for you
good idea..A Divine University!
I would graduate with honors..Im a professional student baybay.
In all fairness...lots of dudes need to enroll in Husband school LMAO...summa y'all need to get wit tha program!
Seriously Im in the same boat as 1969...going on 8 yrs, and we both change like the is all a lifelong journey... Great post SLisH
What up Slish! I miss coming over here.. Been super busy and haven't been doing enough writing to update my own spot but it's always cool to visit over here... I agree with this post and yeah, my lady needs to take notes on me but also not trip when she guesses wrong because sometimes, stuff aint that serious... Hope all is good with you Slish...
@ Divine Fellas Don't don't enroll...I here she doesn't give extra
@ Curly You know what you might be right about that I've been watching Divorce Some husbands can be triflin,,
@ Var What up Homie!!! You've been flying under the radar..
Thats what I'm talking about Ladies take notes. If your wrong scratch it out and re-write it...Its Really not that serious. Don't trip when we're honest and tell you how we really feel.
Pay attention to your man ladies don't take their love for granted.
WHATEVER!!! how about ya'll do that for the ladies!!!!
We gvie too much into the relationship as is...i tend to go over and beyond in the realtionship...sorry to say i am the one who "knows" my man....when i have one.
it seems as though mr music and slish both think that a single woman is something to be abhorred, or some one who has inherently not been paying attention in life.
truth of the matter is i would see myself as none of the above. I enjoy my life, take my relationships as learning lessons and have 35 years of real life experience that i can use as Cliff Notes at any given time.
Men don't come with cheat sheets same as kids don't come with instructions so I have taken my time before getting involved with either. I would far from call this a fuck up, but more like self knowledge and awareness.
Good post, I think I know *That Dude* ha ha ( I know you hate that name) but at the same time I think I am learning him every day. I don't mind being schooled, keeps us new to one another.
However...I do agree with Ms Ahmad, at times I wouldnt mind haing some cheat sheets!
PS Thanks for the advice to live in an alley--------NOT
Mr. Slish I keep tellin u to write a book or get a cloumn.....
Seriously, You don't know everyting about ur partner thats why we fall in & out of love but if the realtionship is worth it sometimes you either have to hold back or give a lil Moore!
In either scenario it can be frustrasting!
xoxoxoxoxo hairdo!
"Last night Shawnla realized she was failing a particular course and decided to CHEAT! How she managed that! I'll tell ya! PUSSSSSSSSSSY! She put it on me so bad I passed her for the entire semester and gave her extra credit for the next semester!"
HA! Classic
Slish! I didn't even know you were back! That made my day!
I think it depends on the woman. My grandma told me a long time ago, "you only know about someone what they allow you to know." I've never forgotten it, and I remind myself of it everytime I get too comfortable with my man and stop observing him, stop asking him questions, stop talking to him and assuming I know all the answers. I think the best relationships I've ever had, platonic and romantic, is when you're constantly learning something new.
That plus the fact that I NEVER ask women for relationship advice, only my male friends, lol.
And don't generalize and say women don't want you to be honest. No I don't want you to tell me halfway to the resturant that my dress looks like shit... I want you to tell me while we're still at the house before you have me goin' out looking crazy. Wil my feelings be hurt momentarily? Probably. But 1 of 2 things will happen... I will either 1, realize I do in fact look like shit and go change before I leave the house and embarass myself or 2, I'll tell you to go fuck yourself because you're wrong. Either way, we're both being honest, lol. Do all women feel that way? Hell no. Do the majority of women feel that way? Nope. But some do.
Funny. I've been with my man for four years and he hasn't changed at all. Still reads/watches the same porn. Still has the same friends. Won't eat what he won't eat. He's a man's man. I like that. I let him be who he is and in return I get whatever the hell I want.
when i'm alone in my room, sometimes i stare at the wall,
and in the back of my mind i hear my conscience call, see i think i need a girl who's as sweet as a dove, for the first time in my life, i see i need love.......
this is some booness!
some cats don't WANT a sista to know him like that. he might want her to know his likes and dislikes, but he don't want her to know what makes him vulnerable.
my ex had a big problem with me calling him out. he'd say shit like "why you always make it so complicated?" and by complicated he meant "why you all up in my head?"
he liked to keep things simple, but relationships ain't simple like that. sometimes a person gotta break down the motivations for why folk act the way they do. he didn't like that part.
so i withdrew from school.
sometimes it gotta be like that. his school wasn't challenging enough for me, didn't offer the courses that would expand my mind and spirit. he needed a chick content with taking what he offered, not demand the administration bring in better professors.
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